Donnerstag, 5. April 2018, 19 Uhr
Vortrag in englischer Sprache von Prof. Dr. Hsueh-man Shen,
Institute of Fine Arts, New York University:
„Mechanical Reproduction and Transmission of Buddhist Iconography: A Case Study of Terracotta Votive Tablets“
Ort: Vortragssaal des Museums (Eingang Takustr. 40)
Nähere Informationen:
This lecture examines the relationship between the mechanical reproduction and transmission of specific iconic images from India to China and Japan during the seventh and eighth centuries. It investigates votive tablets made of plastic materials such as clay and soft metal through the use of molds. It will show that these tablets and plaques were considered reliable representations of Buddhist images and hence facilitated the expeditious dissemination of designs across Asia.