Wir laden Sie ein zu einem englischsprachigen Vortrag von Professor Ikeda Asato, der sich mit der Produktion, Verbreitung sowie der Aufarbeitung von Propagandabildern in Japan während des Zweiten Weltkriegs befasst. Die Vortragsveranstaltung ist das Ergebnis der Zusammenarbeit mit dem Lehrstuhl für Ostasiatische Kunstgeschichte der Freien Universität Berlin.
Zu den Inhalten:
The Second World War has been a particularly debated topic in Asia. In Japan, views on the war are widely divergent. The Left seeks to examine the country’s violence towards Asia, while the Right, which has dominated the postwar government, tends to downplay the suffering of other Asian peoples. Naturally, other countries like China and Korea take issue with this narrative and understanding of the war. Since the passing of Emperor Hirohito, under whose name the war was fought, in 1989, and since the fiftieth anniversary of the war’s end in 1995, scholars have started to critically investigate Japanese wartime art. This has led to the creation of books and exhibitions on this subject. Ikeda argues that although Japanese war art is often discussed within a state-based or empire-based framework, it must be examined on a global scale. To that end, she will discuss Japan’s relationship with countries beyond its empire, such as Nazi Germany and Canada.
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02. Mai 2024– 18:00 Uhr – Klangwerkstatt des Berliner Humboldt Forums
Ihr DGOK Team